Bathroom to Shower Room Conversion Telfer Rd Coventry
This is a bathroom to shower room conversion we carried out on Telfer Rd in Coventry. The bathroom is an usual size measuring 220cm long, 132cm wide at the back wall. The boiler is accessible to the right of the toilet. As a bathroom it is difficult to access the basin. The image below shows the bathroom design before the conversion began.
The client asked us to help redesign the room, changing its use from a bathroom to a shower room. The natural place for the shower head is on the hallway wall. Measuring 700mm from wall to door frame it was possible to fit a 76cm wide shower. To allow better access to the basin and toilet area we suggested a shower measuring 1100mm long. The drawing below shows the new shower room layout.
Before and After Image
The image below shows the bathroom before and the shower room after.
Items FItted In The Shower Room
- Meryln Ionic Essence Framed Sliding shower Door 1100mm
- Meyrln Ionic Essence Framed Side Panel 760mm
- Thermostatic shower running from the combi boiler
- Modern easy clean toilet with soft close seat
- 60cm vanity basin with two doors
- Modern chrome basin tap
- 1600mm by 450mm chrome towel warmer, providing enough heat for the bathroom
- Stainless steel bathroom mirror cabinet fitted above basin
The items fitted in the new shower room include:
Bathroom Tiles
- British Ceramic tile Serpentine Grey Wall tile 598mm by 298mm
- British Ceramic tile Serpentine Grey floor tile 333mm by 333mm
Images of the new Shower Room