Bathroom converted to Shower Room with Fitted Storage £5,150
This is a typical sized small bathroom in Coventry. Measuring 181cm wide and 164cm long. We converted it to a shower room supplied and fitted for £5,150. THis price includes bringing the heating pipe work into the bathroom as it did not have heating prior to the work being carried out.
The bathroom had been fitted 10 years prior, however was the same layout from when the house was first built with all items fitted on the back window wall. From left to right toilet, basin and bath. The drawing below shows the bathroom design.
The clients wish list included converting the bathroom to a shower room and fitting as much storage as possible. We suggested fitting a shower enclosure measuring 100cm by 80cm. The 100cm runs between the right hand wall and the door. This created a space between the window wall and the shower of 84cm, which is important to allow storage that the clients require.
We then suggested fitted a bathroom storage solution including combined toilet, basin and cupboard units.
The toilet and basin measure 105cm and the two cabinets measure 50cm wide.
Images of the Shower Room/h2>
360 Degree video of FItted Shower Room