Bathroom Fitting Service modernises an old Bathroom
The bathroom was modernized with a slight change in bathroom design and layout finished with our bathroom fitting service.
The bathroom was modernized with a slight change in bathroom design and layout finished with our bathroom fitting service. The request of the home owner was simple, modernize the bathroom make it like nice offering more function.
We suggested the fitting of an L shaped shower bath, to accommodate this, the toilet would need to be repositioned closer to the basin. As the soil pipe from the wc reached the soil stack under the floor, it was possible to extend the soil pipe by accessing it under the floorboards.
The original bathroom design displays the bathroom floor plan layout and the position of the wc in respect to the bath.
The new bathroom design displays the bathroom floor plan layout. This time you can see the vanity unit has been moved towards the wall, the wc towards the vanity basin allowing the space needed for the l shaped shower bath.
Photos of the original Bathroom
The photo below shows the flooring in the bathroom has been removed to expose the soil pipe to allow it to be extended.
Photos of the new Fitted Bathroom
Video of the Bathroom Fitting Service