Stylish Mobility Shower Room fitted in Coventry
With an aging population we are finding that we are being requested to redesign a family bathrooms into shower rooms that offer functionality to older people with mobility issues.
Here at Coventry Bathrooms we strongly believe that a shower room tackling certain mobility or disabilities does not need to give up style. All too often companies will convert a bathroom to a disabled bathroom using off the shelf products that look like that are to be fitted in a hospital.
We believe a shower room can be finished to a contemporary modern style and at the same time be suitable to people with disabilities.
A good example of this is the comfort toilet which is normally fitted in any bathroom/shower room being fitted for someone with a disability. A comfort toilet is higher than a standard toilet and in theory makes it easier for the user to get on and off. I am certain this is the case, though in many situations that we have seen the user is not happy with a higher toilet, finding it uncomfortable and unnatural to use. After a life time using a standard height toilet, the ease of use is lost to the uncomfortable feel of use.
Many shower rooms fitted for disability have blue or white chunky grab rails. If needed we are happy to use them, but favour where possible stainless steel grab rails that match the chrome of the shower enclosure and towel warmer.
The old Bathroom
A little larger than the standard bathroom in a Coventry home, never the less a very ordinary bathroom with a bath to the left of the door, a basin in front of the window between the bath and the toilet. Finally a towel warmer close enough to the toilet to burn your leg when sitting
Carrying out the normal steps of converting a bathroom to a shower room we first removed the existing bathroom suite and wall tiles. As you can see from the images below we then prepared the bathroom walls by boarding them with plaster board. We also plastered the ceiling.
The work complete the images below show the shower room with mobility aids
The image above shows the walk-in shower tray with a tiled feature wall. The shower chair is mounted central to the feature wall.
The image below shower the shower chair folded against the wall